Research & Development
By keeping up with the latest technological developments, we identify new opportunities for improving processes and technologies.
For many years we have been cooperating with Lublin University of Technology and Szymon Szymonowic State University in Zamość, carrying out research and development projects. Together we have developed innovative solutions in forging technology, improving both production efficiency and mechanical properties of products.
Two patents in the fields of metal forming and machining were developed as part of the research.

The aim of our research activities is to improve the processes of drop forging, rolling and the optimization of the microstructure of the processed steels, thus obtaining forgings of the highest possible quality and increasing the range of manufactured products.
In order to implement new, innovative technologies, teams of engineers are created, who work together on the process of their implementation. Interdisciplinary teams consisting of various specialists work on modern products that guarantee meeting the requirements and expectations of our customers. This approach leads to the development of our companies and increasingly better production results.
Implemented projects

Value of the project: 5 011 781.57 PLN
Grant value: 2 412 371,49 PLN
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2019 aimed at implementing the results of R&D work in the company’s activities, a new forging line equipped with a robotic station for the manufacture of preforms for ball necks and specialized software to improve the manufactured products has been founded. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme for the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Value of the project: 409,405,50 PLN
Grant value: 245 643,30 PLN
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2019 to improve working conditions, the production hall was retrofitted with a welding fume extraction system and a dust extraction system. The project was co-financed by ZUS.

Value of the project: 4 147 582,48 PLN
Grant value: 1 499 752,80 PLN
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of the implementation of the investment completed in 2021 aimed at achieving high energy efficiency of the company, a complete thermo-modernization of the office building of Kuźnia Matrycowa was carried out with the implementation of a photovoltaic installation and modernization of the production line for heat treatment of steel forgings in the atmosphere of combustion gases No. 2. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme for the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2021 aimed at improving the economic and technical aspects by using less energy and reducing losses on the power grid, a change of the supply voltage from 6kV to 15kV, replacement of 9 transformers and change of cable lines was carried out.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project Description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2020 to increase production efficiency and ensure increased control of the process of heating the in-put material, two induction heaters of 600kW and 800kW were purchased.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2019 aimed at increasing energy efficiency and ensuring increased control of the heat treatment process, a complete modernization of the production line for heat treatment of steel forgings in the atmosphere of combustion gases No. 3 was carried out.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2020 aimed at increasing energy efficiency and ensuring increased control of the heat treatment process, an upgrade of the furnace for hardening steel forgings in a combustion gas atmosphere No. 4 was carried out with the replacement of the oil tank.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2018 to improve the efficiency of the finishing process of forgings, shotblasting equipment with automatic loading was purchased.
Grant value: project executed from own resources
Project type: investment
Project description:
As a result of an investment completed in 2019 to improve the efficiency of cutting in-put material with high accuracy and repeatability of the process, an automatic circular cutter was purchased.